Monday, October 02, 2006

Consistent to the Cause of the Cross

"In Suus Muneris" means "In His Service" and it is a splendid
thing to realize in ones life. Well we couldn't get a winner
this last series - but, no doubt we had some good thinking
on the subject. Here is the solution - it was all about
thinking in threes - Peter denied Jesus - three times -
the cock crowed three times, Jesus asked Peter to feed
his sheep, three times. The clue from Genesis 3:3-
"you shall not eat of it", again, thinking in threes.
Trinity - threes - it's a concept not a statement. As
I understand it, the word trinity isn't used in the
New Testament, but all three aspects of the trinity
are spoken of- we today have the Holy Spirit, and I
trust that God the Father is in heaven, and I believe
that Jesus is our High Priest who sits at the right hand
of God ever to make interception for us (Hebrews 7:25)
So we begin a new day and a new contest - this one to run
from Oct 3 through Oct 13 - let's be hopeful for a winner
this time. See you tomorrow when the first clue is posted.


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